Becoming a Section Officer

Becoming a Section Officer is one of the best experiences you can have. If you are looking for a new leadership position or would like to help support lodges and run Conclave it is truly a once in a lifetime experience. This page has been developed as an aid in the approval process for youth members to run for Section Office, as well as to provide information on the duties and expectations of Section Officers

This for MUST be completed and received by Ted Weber no later than 9:00 AM on Saturday morning during Conclave Weekend.


Those interested in running for office must meet the following qualifications:

  • Be a registered member, in good standing, of the Order of the Arrow and the Boy Scouts of America in a council within the section.
  • Have in writing and in advance of being nominated, approval from their council Scout executive or council Scout executive’s designee. The member’s council must be in good standing with a current charter for its Order of the Arrow lodge on file with the national service center.
  • Be younger than 21 during their entire term of office. 

Section Officer Responsibilities

Email Nomination form to