Section G14N is made up of the following lodges. To find your lodge visit
At the local level, lodges exist to serve BSA councils and individual units. Each lodge chief is a member of the section’s Council of Chiefs and is able to attend and vote at monthly section meetings. Sections work closely with lodges to provide support when they need it.


Es-Kaielgu Lodge

Inland Northwest Council, Spokane, WA
Lodge Leadership
  • Lodge Chief – Wyatt Hammond
  • Lodge Adviser – Douglas Pierce
  • Lodge Staff Adviser – Summer Murray

Shunkah Mahneetu Lodge

Grand Teton Council, Idaho Falls, ID
Lodge Leadership
  • Lodge Chief – 
  • Lodge Adviser – 
  • Lodge Staff Adviser – 

Tukarica Lodge

Mountain West Council, Boise, ID
Lodge Leadership
  • Lodge Chief – Axel Byrum
  • Lodge Adviser – Scott Clouthier
  • Lodge Staff Adviser – Bruce Lezer

Wa-La-Moot-Kin Lodge

Blue Mountain Council, Kennewick, WA
Lodge Leadership
  • Lodge Chief – Benedict Zito
  • Lodge Adviser – Bill Nelson
  • Lodge Staff Adviser – Brett Bybee