Section G14 NOAC Information

Countdown to NOAC


The National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) 2024 will be held at the University of Colorado Boulder from July 29 to August 3, 2024! Information is still coming out, so contact your lodges for Contingent Information. The price to attend NOAC as a contingent member, not including travel, are as follows:

Lodge Fees are determined by your lodges, factoring in things such as travel expenses and any swag the lodges choose to purchase.

Drive Time

NOAC this year will be in Boulder Colorado. Travel time for lodges that choose to fly may vary, but the drive times from each council office are as follows:

Idaho Falls – ~9.5 hours

Boise – ~12 hours

Kennewick – ~16 hours

Spokane – ~16 hours

Lodge travel will be determined by lodges. Lodges may choose to do sight seeing prior to or after NOAC, depending on travel.

Additional Information

For the additional and the most current information, please visit For lodge contingent information, please reach out to your lodges.