Section G14 Realignment

Effective August 1, Section G14N will be renamed Section G14 with the addition of Shunkah Mahneetu Lodge. We welcome Shunkah Mahneetu Lodge to our section and they are openly invited to our Conclave!

What are the changes to the Section?

Effective August 1:

  • Section G14N will be renamed to Section G14.
  • Shunkah Mahneetu Lodge will join Section G14.

Effective January 1, 2024:

  • Tataliya Lodge will merge with T’Kope Kwiskwis Lodge, leaving Section G14 and joining Section G15.

How will Conclave work?

The Section G14 Conclave will be from August 25 to 27. During Conclave, we will have 5 lodges:

  • Es-Kaielgu Lodge
  • Shunkah Mahneetu Lodge
  • Tataliya Lodge
  • Tukarica Lodge
  • Wa-La-Moot-Kin Lodge
All Section activities will proceed as normal, including the Section Elections. During the elections, all 5 lodges will be treated equally as the Field Operations Handbook lays out. If an arrowmen were to be elected as a Section Officer from Tataliya Lodge, they would serve in their position in Section G14 until January 1, 2024. At this point, they would retain their position but would hold it in Section G15, in which case Section G14 would hold a special election to re-elect that position. 

Questions & Clarifications:

For any questions, please email For clarifications, please see the Special Announcement email sent to Lodge and Section Key 3’s.